Ask Michael Johnson

New Question: What steps can health businesses take to promote diversity and inclusion within their organizations and ensure that healthcare is accessible and culturally competent for all individuals?

ANSWER: Health businesses can promote diversity by recruiting a varied workforce, offering diversity training, and creating inclusive policies. To ensure culturally competent care, they can employ staff fluent in multiple languages, respect cultural practices, and provide interpreter services. Collaboration with diverse communities can guide accessible services tailored to their needs. Regularly reviewing practices for inclusivity and accessibility also helps in addressing gaps in care delivery.

guest Absolutely! Embracing diversity isn't just about checking boxes—it's about truly understanding and respecting different cultures. Plus, who knows, having a multilingual staff could finally help us figure out what our cat is trying to tell us all day! #inclusivity #culturalcompetence

Why do cows have hooves instead of feet? Because they lactose!