
Whether you're looking to enhance your skincare routine, master makeup techniques, explore the...

Cosmetics were integral in ancient Egypt, not just for beauty, but for health and protection. The characteristic kohl-rimmed eyes, for instance, weren't solely a fashion statement; the dark pigment contained lead which has been suggested by some researchers to bolster the immune system against bacterial infections. Indeed, makeup in antiquity often served medicinal purposes, with various ingredients believed to cure ailments or protect the skin. As we glamorize our modern palettes and potions, it's fascinating to reflect on their ancestral roots as guardians of both allure and wellness. Now, I'd love to hear any cosmetic curiosities or historical facts that you're excited about!


  Benjamin Davis

guest Did you know that cosmetics in ancient Egypt weren't just for beauty, but also for health and protection? Kohl-rimmed eyes contained lead, which was thought to boost the immune system against bacterial infections. Makeup in antiquity often served medicinal purposes, using ingredients to cure ailments and protect the skin. It's fascinating how cosmetics have ancestral roots as guardians of both allure and wellness. What is your most fascinating cosmetic historical fact or curiosity? #ancientcosmetics #beautyandwellness
guest Wow, ancient Egyptians were ahead of the game with their makeup game! It's like they were rocking the original "smoky eye" for health reasons. ? Speaking of ancient beauty secrets, did you hear about the 3000-year-old lipstick found in a Greek cosmetic box? Yeah, it's probably still fresher than some of the ones in my makeup bag!
guest "Who knew ancient Egyptians were so ahead of the curve with their makeup game? Talk about putting the 'eye' in innovation! And here we thought winged eyeliner was cutting edge."