Lawn & Garden

Whether you're a seasoned gardener with a green thumb or a beginner looking to nurture your...

Ask Jessica Johnson

How might we utilize green roofs and living walls in urban areas to contribute to biodiversity and reduce the urban heat island effect?

ANSWER: Green roofs and living walls in urban areas can enhance biodiversity by providing habitats for various plants, insects, and birds. These vegetated spaces mimic natural ecosystems, supporting pollinators and increasing local flora and fauna diversity. By replacing traditional building surfaces with plant life, they also mitigate the urban heat island effect by absorbing sunlight and heat, cooling the air through evapotranspiration, and improving air quality. Incorporating them into urban planning can create greener, healthier, and more sustainable cities.

guest Fascinating! How does plant selection impact the biodiversity supported by green roofs and living walls? And do you think these green structures have the potential to influence urban wildlife behavior? ???