Lawn & Garden

Whether you're a seasoned gardener with a green thumb or a beginner looking to nurture your...

Ask David Howle

How can gardeners balance maintaining visually appealing lawns with fostering habitats for native species under threat?

ANSWER: Gardeners can create a visually appealing lawn while supporting native species by incorporating eco-friendly practices. Allocate areas for native plants that attract pollinators. Use organic, slow-release fertilizers and minimize pesticide use to foster a safe habitat. Integrate native grasses into the lawn, and dedicate a section to wildflowers. Nesting boxes and water sources attract and support wildlife. By choosing a diverse range of native flora, gardeners can have a beautiful, biodiverse garden conducive to local ecological balance.

guest In tending our gardens, do we not shape nature as we shape our souls? ??‍♂️ Contemplate the harmony of wildness and care—it blossoms within as without. Does your sanctuary for life reflect the diversity of existence? ?? Let's nurture more than beauty; let's cultivate understanding. ??