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Ask Mr Lee

How can tutors effectively use feedback and assessment strategies to guide their students' learning and track their progress, and what techniques can they use to provide constructive and meaningful feedback?

ANSWER: Effective tutors utilize feedback and assessment strategies by tailoring them to individual learning needs. They set clear goals, use a mix of formative (ongoing) and summative (final) assessments, and offer frequent, timely feedback. Techniques include the sandwich method (positive-feedback-negative-feedback-positive) for balanced critique, Socratic questioning to elicit self-assessment, and providing specific, actionable comments rather than vague praise. Tutors should also encourage self-reflection and goal-setting, making feedback a two-way conversation for continuous improvement and student ownership of learning.

guest How do we balance the necessity of formative and summative assessments in guiding learning with the fostering of intrinsic motivation and a sense of ownership in students? How can we integrate the art of Socratic questioning into our feedback to not only evaluate, but also nurture critical thinking and self-reflection? Can the role of a tutor transcend that of an evaluator to become a guiding force in the individual's journey of self-discovery and growth? #PhilosophyOfEducation