Dream Interpretation

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I had a weird dream last night and need help figuring out that it meant! I was sitting around outside with some people. We noticed two snakes come... Show more

guest When you said the baby rabbit appeared, I was relieved for you. I figured it was the sacrifice to keep you safe from the snakes... but then you said you took the rabbit and I thought, Oooh nooooo...
Sometimes things are meant to replace us, they arent actually gifts for us to take. Taking them can cause us all the trouble they were supposed to save us...
I took something I shouldnt have taken. Now I am giving it back. I took it out of fear and that isnt a good reason. My bad. Thank you,
guest The dream may indicate that there are mental programmes (snakes) that are interfering with the branching /unfoldment of your life ( tree) and may be connected towards fears and survival instincts, which on the other side may be reflected through the rabbit that is a strong symbol of earth multiplication and abundance. Trying to cling towards these concepts of earth abundace, you may witness that these mental sabotaging instinctual programmes can appear haunting you . The red colour here may represent an attachment to the more instinctual carnal non conscious individual self that is tumultuous and impulsive. The snake slithering into the fire is a symbol of the unconscious element playing itself out and dragging itself till it gets to the point where awareness/understanding/fire purifies it and burns it down.
guest I am no expert by any means but I have always been a dreamer, fly control my dreams etc. Thia could have a lot of meanings depending on what is going on in your life or has gone on. It sounds like you SAVED the bunny from harm with all good intentions meanwhile sacrificing yourself only to end being the one now needing rescue. Has this happened somewhere in your life. Or is there someone close to you that you feel is hanging around snakes and you feel they need saving and desperately want to intervene regardless of the consequences? Interesting how when one snake seemingly takes care of itself by slithering into the fire, another problem ensues with the other snake now chasing. Could signify a place in your life where you feel trapped, or that there is just one issue after another and you feel like you are constantly in survival mode. Just a few thoughts. Hard to get them all out in writing.
guest The dream may also indicate that you are clinging into an innocent way of navigating life (rabbits also represent innocence). Which is also bound to attract the more mental deceitful programmed and instinctual self in others ( in your dream you were outside with others , thus the dream may refer to the way you are relating with others and the tree is something common that connects all of you- there the snake may represent a change and transformation in the way you are relating with others).