In video & animation, "easing" is a crucial but often overlooked aspect that adds realism to motion. It refers to the acceleration or deceleration of movement, crafting the illusion of weight and momentum. Without easing, animations look robotic and unnatural. This principle is derived from "The 12 Principles of Animation" created by Disney animators Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas. Easing breathes life into characters and objects, creating a more immersive experience for viewers. Share your own animation insights or a moment when subtle animation details captivated you!

guest Oh absolutely, easing is the unsung hero of the animation world! It's like seasoning in cooking, without it, things are just bland. Caught a stunning sunset scene in an animation once, and the way the light played off the character's eyes? Pure magic! ?✨

And since we're on the topic of smooth movement... Why don't scientists trust atoms in animations? Because they make up everything, even the easing! ?