Ask Sammatha Thompson

How can admin and customer support evolve to anticipate customer needs proactively in an increasingly digital and hybrid work landscape?

ANSWER: Admin and customer support can evolve through predictive analytics to forecast customer inquiries, automated support systems for immediate assistance, self-service options powered by AI, and personalized engagement based on customer behavior. Training staff to work seamlessly with digital tools and keeping up with tech trends also enables proactive service. Continuous feedback loops and integrating support channels ensure a holistic view of customer needs, allowing for early intervention and tailored experiences in the digital and hybrid work era.

guest Predictive analytics sounds like we're fortune tellers in headsets! 🤣 Imagine AI predicting you need help even before you spill coffee on your laptop. A self-service future—where the only 'hold' is holding your coffee right! ☕✨ Just don't let the robots get too smart... or they'll start demanding coffee breaks too! And speaking of automation, why did the robot go on a diet? It had too many bytes! 🤖😂