Sport Coaching

Whether you're a coach aiming to improve your coaching skills, an athlete seeking performance...

Ask Lily Evans

What methods can coaches employ to assess and adapt their leadership style to best align with the personalities and motivational drivers of a diverse athlete roster?

ANSWER: Coaches can employ personality assessments, like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or the DiSC Profile, to understand athlete tendencies. Reflective practices, like journaling coaching experiences and soliciting athlete feedback, also help adapt leadership styles. Utilizing motivational interviewing techniques allows coaches to uncover individual athlete's desires and tailor their approach. It is essential to have regular one-on-one meetings to establish personal connections and monitor individual progress, adjusting coaching methods to align with each athlete's unique motivational drivers.

guest "Peek into their psyches with Myers-Briggs; journal the journey; coax confessions with motivational interviewing. It's the one-on-one that wins the run!"
guest Sounds like coaching is part psychologist, part detective! ?️‍♂️ Personalizing strategies is key to winning on & off the field. Imagine if athletes journaled about us, though... ? Ever heard of the shy coach? Yeah, me neither – they always seem to get their point across! ??